I remember hearing from some writers and writing teachers years ago when I was beginning that the only way to be serious about writing was to commit to doing it every day. Even better, get started at the same time every day, and meet the same word count goal each session.
This blueprint seemed to make sense, and because I was a wound-up-tight-Type-A, appealed to me. The idea I got was that in order to be a “true” writer, to have any chance at all of succeeding, I needed to follow this formula. Especially because I didn’t yet have many stories under my belt and I worried I wasn’t ever going to be good enough.
But— I was a mom to 2 young children and their primary caregiver. I didn’t have a predictable schedule or guaranteed writing sessions. I had snatches of time, moments of inspiration that, if I was lucky, became stories and essays and articles.
I ended up finding a way, my way.
And as I got more practice I could start to feel when I was on to something. Some weeks were very productive and some weren’t, sometimes I got very little sleep, sometimes even less, but more and more I began to trust myself.
I love learning about the creative process—which is different for everyone. Whether you’re a painter or potter, a writer or actor, a singer or dancer, or any combination of the vast creative arts, you’ve probably found a rhythm over time, a knowing about your work. When you feel it, you’re flying; you embody your creativity and your creativity embodies you.
I was so happy to get a chance to interview Jennifer Fliss, author of the forthcoming short story collection THE PREDATORY ANIMAL BALL, for the current issue of The Citron Review.
It was fun to learn about flash and micro fiction, fun to learn about fabulism, and fun to talk with this friend of mine whom I met way back when we both were starting out.
You can read our Q & A here: https://citronreview.com/tag/ronit-plank/
Upcoming: An Appearance at She Podcasts Live
Next week I’ll be a speaker at She Podcasts Live which I’m so excited about! This is a community I found just before I launched my own podcast And Then Everything Changed and the support and encouragement there has been invaluable. I’m eager to meet some of my podcasting friends in person, share what I’ve learned about interviewing, and see what new projects lie ahead.
And Then Everything Changed: Episode 97 ft. Treveal Lynch
Last week on the podcast my guest for episode 97 was Treveal Lynch who grew up amid addiction and emotional trauma. It wasn’t until he was arrested and found himself standing trial that he realized he was losing himself.
You can listen to his episode and learn how he changed his life, here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/and-then-everything-changed/id1485293813?i=1000536831776
Coming Next On My And Then Everything Changed Podcast
Next week my guest is Suzanne Najarian who left her marriage several years ago in search of herself. What she found opened a door to her sensuality and sense of purpose she had intuited were there but didn’t know how to access.
Episode 100 Is Almost Here!
Episode number 100 is coming up and I’m hosting a giveaway of my book WHEN SHE COMES BACK! All you need to do to enter is leave a review for And Then Everything Changed on Apple Podcasts and send me a screenshot on Instagram or FB @ronitplank. A winner will be chosen by drawing on 10/14!
Thank you for tuning into the podcast, for reading my newsletter, for being here.
I’m so happy that we are connected. I’ll be back next month!