Editing Rates

All projects are taken on a per-project basis and subject to availability.

Rates are current as of January 2024.



Half paid upfront as a deposit, half due when I email the final edits. Payments are accepted at PayPal or Venmo.



If I, Ronit Plank (editor) cancel for any reason, I will refund the deposit. If the writer (client) wishes to cancel, the deposit is non-refundable. *Sending the deposit via PayPal or Venmo is an acceptance of these policies.*



Venmo: Ronit-Plank

PayPal: ronitfpz@gmail.com



Approximate turnaround for essays/short stories: 2 weeks



• 20% discount for Black and Indigenous writers.

• These rates are for one round of consultation and edits and one email exchange after clarifying questions by the client.

• Subsequent revisits are on a per-project basis. This amount will be discussed and agreed upon ahead of time and will be similar to the below rates but dependent on how much more feedback is expected.

$90 • <1000 words

$125• 1000-1500 words

$170 • 1500-2000 words

$215 • 2000-2500 words

$260 • 2500-5000 words

Anything above that is on a per-project basis.



Same rates as above.



Book-Length Developmental Edit


This is a big-picture evaluation that considers tension, pacing, the structure and narrative arc of your manuscript, what you might do to deepen the emotional resonance in your story, where you might need to add or cut material, an assessment of your portrayal of yourself and others in your story, and the overarching themes of your memoir.

You will receive an editorial letter of about 10-12 pages that addresses these elements and includes an assessment of each chapter and how it serves to propel your reader and illuminate your story.

This service includes an hour-long follow-up conversation to discuss the feedback and help you begin your next revision with confidence, fresh eyes, and focus.

The approximate turnaround time is generally 2-3 months.

A flat rate of $1,500 for up to 50,000 words. This service does not include line edits.

For 1-month expedited review: additional $500.


First 30 Pages


The first few pages and chapters set the tone and establish the tension and stakes in your memoir. When done well, these early pages get your reader to invest in your story and in you as a storyteller. Very often honing these initial chapters creates a powerful roadmap to the rest of your manuscript and gives you a clearer sense of your narrative voice, where you can work to build more tension, places you might be losing your reader, how your arc is developing, and where your memoir excels.

This evaluation of your first 30 pages (conventional formatting and double-spaced) of your manuscript comes with an editorial letter, in-line comments, and a one-hour follow up phone call or Zoom to offer guidance as you revise.

This service includes:

-An initial email consultation to share your goals and concerns.

-In-line comments on your manuscript for a micro view of what’s working well and what might be missing, a 4-page editorial letter with a macro view of your work including its strengths, areas to develop further, and strategies for revision.

-A one-hour follow-up phone call or Zoom for further discussion and your follow-up questions.




Individual coaching session:

Suitable for shorter pieces and book-length manuscripts, this real-time evaluation helps tease out where the tension in the piece lives beyond the story already on the page, clarifies what the memoirist is searching to understand (i.e., the story within the story and the divided self), and assists with building tension and action in the the manuscript. Coaching via phone or Zoom, your preference.



One-on-One Coaching Package

Set of 4 55-minute coaching sessions

This is your time to share your ideas, ask questions, and get feedback. Zoom or phone call per client preference. An email follows each session that will include, a summary of our discussion, relevant takeaways and ideas for your creative time. Email support and connection between sessions.



One-on-One Coaching and Editing Package

Developmental or combined developmental and line editing for up to 30 pages (double spaced and conventionally formatted) of your work plus set of 4 55-minute coaching sessions as above. This is your time to share your ideas, ask questions, and get feedback. Zoom or phone call per client preference. An email follows each session that will include, a summary of our discussion, relevant takeaways and ideas for your creative time. Email support and connection between sessions.


For availability/more information please inquire at ronit (at) ronit plank (dot) com.

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