Episode 67 ft. Pamela Petro

Episode 67 ft. Pamela Petro

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 67 ft. Pamela Petro Pamela Petro joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about the stories landscapes hold, why she resisted memoir and how she ultimately put herself on the page despite trying hard not to, pushing ourselves to keep asking...
Episode 66 ft. Victoria Buitron

Episode 66 ft. Victoria Buitron

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 66 ft. Victoria Buitron Victoria Buitron joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about the power of flash and lyric creative nonfiction, when chronology doesn’t work, accountability partners and writing mentors, the trauma of being a women...
Episode 65 ft. Maya Golden

Episode 65 ft. Maya Golden

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 65 ft. Maya Golden Maya Golden joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about extensive complex childhood trauma and the repercussions of sexual abuse, recovring from addiction, approaching memoir writing with authenticity and...
Episode 64 ft. Sherry Sidoti

Episode 64 ft. Sherry Sidoti

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 64 ft. Sherry Sidoti Sherry Sidoti joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about memoir in present tense,  reckoning with the complexities of transgenerational trauma, dysfunctional families, the effect writing memoir can have on our...