Episode 117 ft. Myra Sack

Episode 117 ft. Myra Sack

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 117 ft. Myra Sack Myra Sack joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about losing her very young daughter Havi to Tay-Sachs, a fatal neurodegenerative disease, maternal and parental intuition, compassionate bereavement, how her new memoir...
Episode 116 ft. Geraldine Deruiter

Episode 116 ft. Geraldine Deruiter

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 116 ft. Geraldine Deruiter Geraldine DeRuiter joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about how being okay with yourself has become deeply radical, the role women have in the home and culinary world, our complex personal and societal...
Episode 115 ft. Jo-Ann Finkelstein

Episode 115 ft. Jo-Ann Finkelstein

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 115 ft. Jo-Ann Finkelstein Jo-Ann Finkelstein, PhD joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about dismantling the fear about sharing our stories, finding the freedom to give voice to what we experienced, recognizing when the culture is the...
Episode 114 ft. Susan Shapiro (Part 2)

Episode 114 ft. Susan Shapiro (Part 2)

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 114 ft. Susan Shapiro (Part 2) Susan Shapiro joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about the smart way to get meaty bylines, how to think like an editor, placing small pieces, getting tough criticism and listening to it, productive...
Episode 113 ft. Susan Shapiro

Episode 113 ft. Susan Shapiro

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 113 ft. Susan Shapiro Susan Shapiro joins Let’s Talk Memoir for part one of our conversation about the nature of forgiveness and why she wrote a memoir about it, being a multiple-memoir writer, why she’s glad her latest took 12 years to...