On Whiplash, Jellyfish Parts, and Arrivals

On Whiplash, Jellyfish Parts, and Arrivals

I hope you made it through election week and its current aftermath in one piece. If this year were a roller coaster I’m thinking it would be the Oblivion in England: or maybe the Stratosphere Infinity in Las Vegas. It was a week of late nights, choppy sleep, and...
The Stories We Tell

The Stories We Tell

The first piece I drafted when I picked up writing several years after becoming a mother was fiction. I drew heavily from actual events but never thought of telling the story without changing locations, situations, and names. I think I thought that I would be cheating...
Laying Down Our Weapons

Laying Down Our Weapons

One of the gifts of doing my podcast is interviewing so many remarkable people and hearing about their experiences and what they’ve learned, to be able to listen to their stories from childhood and adulthood and understand what they went through and then somehow...
I Used to Think I Was Too Big

I Used to Think I Was Too Big

I used to think I was too big. Like too tall, too chubby, too “much”. When we moved to Seattle when I was 4 I had a thick Israeli accent, a big personality, and a sense the way I did things was the right way.⁣ ⁣ But before that I lived on Kibbutz Lahav and knew...