New article up today

I interviewed some very smart 5-15 year olds for my article “What Kids Want You to Know”, advice for adults, up today at Seattle’s Child: What kids want you to...

Listen To Your Mother is tomorrow!

Thank you everyone who has already bought their Listen to Your Mother tickets. The event is tomorrow at 2:00 and we’ll be selling tickets at the door, so if you find you can make it last minute, come on over! You can celebrate Mother’s Day and help support Wellspring...

Just Cast in LTYM Seattle

I am very happy to be joining the cast of Listen To Your Mother for the Seattle show on May 9th at 2:00. Tickets will be available soon!

Gibbous Named Winner

My short story “Gibbous” has been named the winner of The Eric Hoffer Award for Prose to be published in Best New Writing 2015, available October 7, 2014. Please check back for purchase information.