Hi, friends! I hope this newsletter finds you well. The weather has begun to cool, and the kids are back in school (for now), so I’m feeling a new rhythm to my days beginning. I hope life is feeling more predictable by you, too.

Please read on for interview and writing news!

Reflection, Forgiveness, and Renewal

Rosh Hashonnah, the Jewish New Year, is a time of reflection, forgiveness, and renewal. This is year 5782 in the Jewish calendar and we dip apples into honey to mark the holiday and bring in a sweet new year.

I’m so pleased to be a guest on Emily Alhadeff’s The Cholent (the stew in Hebrew) with my friend author Judy Temes for this podcast episode No One Is Good or Evil. Thank you to Emily who felt that my story and Judy’s story of parental abandonment and reconciliation would resonate with this time of year.

You can listen here: https://thecholent.substack.com/p/no-one-is-good-or-evil

An Appearance On ‘The Cult Vault’

For the month of September The Cult Vault one of my favorites podcasts is featuring my book When She Comes Back for Memoir Mondays. You can listen to my interview episode 118, learn more about my book, and by following and commenting on The Cult Vault’s social media posts, have a chance to win one of three signed copies of my book.

You can listen to my episode here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cult-vault/id1514656568?i=1000534160025

“Can a Writer Have an Inner Life and a Social Media Presence?”

My new article in Writer’s Digest, “Can a Writer Have an Inner Life and a Social Media Presence?” features interviews, advice, and perspective on utilizing social media.

You can read it here: https://www.writersdigest.com/getting-published/can-a-writer-have-an-inner-life-and-a-social-media-presence

This Week On My ATEC Podcast

When Allison Hong Merrill was growing up in the slums of Taiwan her family was riddled with cycles of alcoholism and domestic violence. She couldn’t imagine a different life until she met Mormon missionaries, began attending church and witnessed, for the first time, families who cared for one another. She became more and more active in the church and eventually fell in love, moving to the US to be with her American husband. But soon after, he abandoned Allison, took her money, and left her alone in her new country with no resources. In this episode Allison, whose new memoir Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops is out this month, shares how she found strength, created a new life for herself, and what her past has helped her understand.

Listen in here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5HuiHllz4SgZVdc0CDmNOU?si=3cd615d0698446c3

Thank you so much for subscribing to my newsletter. I’ll be back in October with more updates. Until then, I wish you a refreshing rhythm to your days.

