The new book

March is here like a lion and with it my new short story collection Home is a Made-Up Place. Thank you to Motina Books Publishing, my early readers, and to the writers who offered advance praise.

Reviews are coming in and of the collection Ari Hornavar, author of A Girl Called Rumi, writes, “Ronit Plank takes us on a poignant journey across America where with subtlety and depth she examines the broken pieces of her characters’ lives. Each story presents a unique perspective, as Plank breathes life into her characters, providing readers with a deeply immersive experience full of profound emotions and insights.” If you’ve read/are reading/plan on reading my collection, please consider posting your rating and review on Amazon and Goodreads. This helps my book algorithm or something and readers will more likely find my Home is a Made-Up Place. You can learn more about the collection or order a copy here.

 The launch has been lots of fun so far and last week I went to KUOW, Seattle’s local NPR station to record an interview with Libby Denkmann, host of Soundside. We talked about fiction vs. memoir, what home means, and how we can take good emotional care of ourselves even if we didn’t experience that as children. This is one of my favorite interviews to date and is short and sweet, coming in at 18 minutes. You can read more and listen to our conversation here.

If you’re in Seattle

I’ve got three evenings of book events next week and I’d love to see you there if you’re in town.

-On Thursday, March 9th I’ll be at University Bookstore on the Ave with Sandi Wisenberg for Reading and Writing Home from 6:00-8:00 pm. We’ll have books for sale and signing. This is a free event that you can register for here.

-On Friday, March 10th I’ll be at the Blarney Stone Pub on 1st Ave from 6:00-8:00 pm reading new work and “We Had No Woman,” my piece from Hippocampus alongside River Teeth and Under the Gum Tree writers.

-On Saturday, March 11th I’ll be at Bad Jimmy’s Brewery in Ballard from 6:00-8:00 for readings and music with other Seattle writers and the bands A Murder at Baker Street and Furniture Girls.

And if you’re at AWP Seattle and would like to pick up a copy of my memoir When She Comes Back or my new collection, Home is a Made-Up Place, you can find me at the Pacific MFA table at the bookfair #T1722 on Friday 3/10 from 1:00-3:00 pm and Saturday 3/11 from 3:00-4:00 pm.

If you’re in NY

I’ve added some book events in April on the east coast including a reading at The Golden Notebook in Woodstock, NY and a reading and conversation with writer Kathy Curto at Butterfield Library in Cold Spring, NY.  On Thursday, April 20th I’ll be at the Norwalk, CT library for Writers in Conversation. I’m over the moon to have this opportunity to meet and talk with east coast readers and writers!

More information and a complete list of all my book events are here.


Thank you

Thank you so much for your support these past months; for your pre-orders, sharing my work with your friends, and for your encouragement. I am grateful, overjoyed, and so happy to be part of this writing and reading community.

Until next time,
