Who We Become

Who We Become

I don’t take much for granted as I get older, even a walk outside without having to look over my shoulder or worry about my personal safety is something I am aware of on the regular. Safety feels like it should be a human right, along with food, love, and the...
Episode 56 ft. Jennifer Lang

Episode 56 ft. Jennifer Lang

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 56 ft. Jennifer Lang Jennifer Lang joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about compressing prose and chopping manuscripts, leaning into the experimental and remembering to play on the page, distilling material, staying nimble-minded, her...
Episode 54 ft. Jill Christman

Episode 54 ft. Jill Christman

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 54 ft. Jill Christman Jill Christman joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about how our deepest stories can save our lives, approaching trauma-writing as a process of discovery, practical tips for working on difficult material, allowing...
Episode 52 ft. Brittany Means

Episode 52 ft. Brittany Means

Let's Talk Memoir Episode 52 ft. Brittany Means Brittany Means joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about growing up vagrant, writing about child sexual abuse, how she began first with the scenes that haunted her, depicting traumatic material with complexity and...