Ronit’s Blog Has Moved to Substack!
You can read all her archived blog posts below, but for the latest and greatest, please follow Ronit on Substack.
How Judging Others During Times of Crisis Makes Us Feel Safe
Happy New Year and January and winter and possible-fresh-starts-but-maybe-regular-life because really, some of the most enduring and important changes happen slowly. All winter-school break long, my family and I dreamed of what it might be like to stay somewhere...
Make Like Putty and Stretch
Welcome to the Winter Solstice! As this year draws to a close and the days in Seattle so very dim and short I feel grateful to be done with 2020 and also aware that I don’t want to take any time for granted. This is the darkest part of the COVID tunnel so far with...
This Saturday please join me on Instagram Live: On motherhood, separation, pain, and redemption
This Saturday I will be Kiran Nazish’s guest on an Instagram Live with her organization Women in Journalism at 9 AM PST. We’ll be talking about parental separation, the power of listening, how writers reach hidden spaces, and my forthcoming memoir When She Comes Back....
On Whiplash, Jellyfish Parts, and Arrivals
I hope you made it through election week and its current aftermath in one piece. If this year were a roller coaster I’m thinking it would be the Oblivion in England: or maybe the Stratosphere Infinity in Las Vegas. It was a week of late nights, choppy sleep, and...
The Stories We Tell
The first piece I drafted when I picked up writing several years after becoming a mother was fiction. I drew heavily from actual events but never thought of telling the story without changing locations, situations, and names. I think I thought that I would be cheating...
Laying Down Our Weapons
One of the gifts of doing my podcast is interviewing so many remarkable people and hearing about their experiences and what they’ve learned, to be able to listen to their stories from childhood and adulthood and understand what they went through and then somehow...
I Used to Think I Was Too Big
I used to think I was too big. Like too tall, too chubby, too “much”. When we moved to Seattle when I was 4 I had a thick Israeli accent, a big personality, and a sense the way I did things was the right way. But before that I lived on Kibbutz Lahav and knew...
My article “Ways to help kids cope with — and help combat — climate change” in The Washington Post
How can we help our children understand without paralyzing them with fear? — Read on–and-help-combat–climate-change/2019/01/21/f7cc6424-180a-11e9-9ebf-c5fed1b7a081_story.html
New article up today
I interviewed some very smart 5-15 year olds for my article “What Kids Want You to Know”, advice for adults, up today at Seattle’s Child:
Listen To Your Mother is tomorrow!
Thank you everyone who has already bought their Listen to Your Mother tickets. The event is tomorrow at 2:00 and we’ll be selling tickets at the door, so if you find you can make it last minute, come on over! You can celebrate Mother’s Day and help support Wellspring...