Ronit’s Blog Has Moved to Substack!
You can read all her archived blog posts below, but for the latest and greatest, please follow Ronit on Substack.
Hello, June — An Early Summer Update
Hello Friends! I hope you’re well. It’s been a busy few weeks, and I’m so happy to be able to write to you again. It was a great surprise to see that my new memoir, When She Comes Back, has made the Book Riot List of Best True Crime books of 2021! It might seem...
About To Get Story Smashed
My memoir When She Comes Back officially became a book in the world on Tuesday, and I’m so thrilled to see it is at the time of this writing #1 New Release in Kindle Biographies of Hoaxes and Deceptions. It’s a category I didn’t know about, but I’ll take it! I have...
The Post I Can’t Believe I’m Writing
You know how you wait and wait and wait for something and it’s really far away and then you make it to the date and you can’t believe it went so fast? That’s how I’ve been feeling for about a month now. How did it come to pass that next week, on Tuesday May 11th my...
Just When I Thought It Was Safe
Book Stuff Just when I thought Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and Ma Anand Sheela had faded from media attention, Searching for Sheela the Netflix sequel to Wild Wild Country debuts Thursday, April 22nd. I understand why charismatic leaders are able to grab hold of people,...
This is Actually Happening
This week I held—for the first time—a physical copy of my memoir When She Comes Back. I have been working with the manuscript for years, with the story itself even longer than that, but the sensation of having the book in my hands was everything that so many writers...
Every Last Drop
Hello and I hope you are enjoying the longer days and hopefully warmer temperatures. I’m so happy to announce that: 1. the brand new book cover for my memoir When She Comes Back is here and 2. pre-orders are now open! Click here to pre-order. When She Comes Back will...
Beginning to Thaw
I hope March finds you well. Are any flowers beginning to bud by you? I always wonder why so many poke their little heads out into the world when it’s still very chilly in the mornings. Here in Seattle I see flowers blooming in February and early March and I want to...
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
I know I got the expression wrong in my subject line—I usually get expressions wrong but often it’s an accident. I am terrible at idioms. But this time I did it on purpose. I’ve been thinking about how change is slow sometimes and hard to see but that doesn’t always...
Authentic Allyship and Writing a New Story
I hope February is treating you well so far and that 2021 has started to wash away some of the darkness of 2020. For your reading, watching, and listening pleasure here’s what’s coming up! I’m happy to be featured on Thrive Global by Nicole Farkas this month to talk...
What We’re Willing To Fight For
We made it to the inauguration of the 46th president of the United Stated of America, fittingly enough just after and Martin Luther King Jr day. Just two weeks after the capital insurrection, the winter after a summer of marked violence against people driving,...